Structure of the code base

First level hierarchy

  • 3rdparty, third party code, to be filed with the dependencies archive’s content

  • cmake, cmake scripts

  • debian, debian packaging

  • doc, project’s developper documentation

  • Python, Python files hierarchy

  • resources, GUI assets (images, fonts, etc.)

  • tests, test files hierarchy

  • tools, various developping utilities

  • Tympan, C++ files hierarchy

C++ code hierarchy (i.e. the Tympan directory)

 \_ core
  _ geometric_methods
   \_ AcousticRaytracer
    _ ConvexHullFinder
  _ gui
   \_ app (former `TympanApp`)
    _ gl (former `DataManagerGraphics`)
    _ tools
    _ widgets (former `DataManagerIHM`)
  _ models
   \_ business - application model (former `DataManagerMetier`)
    _ common - common representations (former `CommonTools`)
    _ solver - problem and result models for the solver
  _ solvers
   \_ default
  _ CMakeLists.txt - used to define compiling rules for the folder
  • core may not include from other Tympan directories

  • models may only include from core

  • gui may only include from core and model/site

  • solvers may only include from core, model/solver and model/results

Python code hierarchy (i.e. the Python directory)

File hierarchy

 \_ bin
  _ include
  _ tests
  _ tympan
   \_ __pycache__
    _ altimetry
    _ models

Python namespaces

  • tympan.altimetry

  • tympan.models

Test code hierarchy

Like the C++ part, the Python part has unit tests. There are 74 tests (06/2022) running with C++ tests in the classic pipeline.
In the test folder of the python part we also find:
  • data folder : folder used to store resources for tests

  • CMakeLists.txt : used to define compiling rules for the folder

  • : paths configuration for test in Python

For more information, see Testing



There are a number of methods for using TYMPAN.
From a typical user point of view:
  • starts the GUI (binary)

  • used by the GUI to start computation for a site XML file (python)

  • used by the GUI to computate altimetry for a site XML file (python)

  • used by the python library to start computation for a solver model (python thin wrapper around solvers code)

From a developer’s point of view:
There are a number of scripts that have been developed to simplify use and debugging by a developer (or an advanced user).
  • 1_xxxxx_install.bat : Used to generate the build and install folders of TYMPAN (debug or release depending on the script).

  • 2_xxxxx_Tests_unitaires.bat : Used to launch unit tests (debug or release depending on the script).

  • 3_xxxxx_Build_Doc.bat : Used to generate the doc.

  • 4_xxxxx_Launch_Tympan_GUI.bat : Used to launches TYMPAN with the graphical interface (debug or release depending on the script).

  • 5_Debug_Tympan_Mode_Interactive : Used to launch the python calculation with pdb (very useful for debugging).

Embedded Python and Tympan release generation

The TYMPAN project embeds a version of python as well as all the python packages necessary for the proper functioning of the software.
However, in the case of a package or python version upgrade, this folder must be generated correctly.
Here is the procedure.


If the installation procedure was correctly followed, there should have a folder containing python and a virtual environment corresponding to the version of python installed.
Reminder of commands:
# Create virtual environment
cd dists\python
C:\Python310\python.exe -m venv venv310tympan

# Activate virtual environment

In this virtual environment, the packages listed in the requirements file had to be installed using the following commands:

pip install -U pip
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
pip install -U -r requirements-dev.txt
However these commands modify only the virtual environment and in no case the python installed locally.
The python file embedded in TYMPAN corresponds to the python installed in which the necessary packages have been installed. We will therefore see the exact procedure.

Generate Python embedded in TYMPAN

As said previously, to build a complete TYMPAN version (which can be delivered) you must therefore embed python. However, it is not enough to copy the python folder, you must first have installed the necessary packages in the sources folder. Here’s the procedure to follow :

  • To be sure that the version is clean,it is recommended first reinstalling the version of python that will be used. (Python release link)

  • Install the packages necessary for TYMPAN in the python folder that we have just installed (different from virtual environement).

# Go to folder
cd C:\Python310\Scripts

# install packages
pip.exe install -U -r C:\projects\code_tympan\requirements.txt

You can check that the installation went correctly by going to inspect the C:\Python310\Lib\site-packages folder which must now contain the packages necessary for TYMPAN.

  • The python folder is now correctly prepared. All that remains is copy python into the TYMPAN folder (and rename the folder with release name).
