


A Git repository is available on Gitlab at
A Gitflow workflow is currently used; so the stable branch is master, and the development branch is develop.

The project also requires some third party dependencies (see below for more details).

Those dependencies are divided into heavy, potentially system-wide, dependencies and lighter dependencies which can easily be bundled in a source package along with Code_TYMPAN.

Lightweight dependencies

Those dependencies are to be downloaded as a companion source package and unzipped into the 3rdparty directory. Please refer to the 3rdparty/README file which provides the exact URL for your current version of Code_TYMPAN.

Major dependencies

The following dependencies are a bigger deal as their are likely to be already installed in your development environment in a system-wide way. If you are running a Linux box, the best way to get them is through your distribution package manager. If you are running a Windows box, you should run the dedicated installers.

More details are given in further sections, on an OS and variant basis.


Boost is a set of C++ libraries which provide a higher level of expressiveness and convenience for C++. Version 1.77 is currently used.

Qt 5

Qt is a toolkit for developing Graphical User Interface and providing portable and commonly used facilities such as multi-threading or reading XML files… Version 5.15.2 is currently used.


is a common 3D rendering API. It is mainly accessed through the QtOpenGL components.


CMake is a multi platform built tool used to build Code_TYMPAN (and CGAL and many other OpenSource projects by the way). A version 3.22 is currently used.


CGAL is a Computational Geometry library and itself depends upon both Boost and Qt and as such needs to be installed in a compatible way with your Qt and Boost installation. CGAL is used in the Python code for altimetry mesh triangulation and refinement. It is also used in the C++ code (business part) for infrastructure polygons triangulation.


A Python interpreter is required, version 3.10.x


Cython is a programming language inspired from Python, allowing to write Python code with C/C++ declarations. The cython code is then translated into C/C++ and compiled as a Python library. It is used in Code_TYMPAN to interface Python code with TYMPAN C++ libraries. A version 0.29 or above is required.


Shapely is a Python package for manipulation and analysis of planar geometric objects. Version 1.7.1 is currently used.


Swig is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages. It is needed by the 3rd party dependency CGAL-bingings, to connect C++ with Python code.

Documentation dependencies

The C++ source code is annotated and API documentation can be extracted with Doxygen and Graphviz whereas this documentation is generated from reStructuredText sources thanks to Sphinx. MathJax is used to nicely display equations.

Graphviz and Sphinx are installed during the Code_TYMPAN installation procedure (please refer to Building Code_TYMPAN part).
Doxygen need to be installed either from your package manager or from the official Windows installer. As there are no specific difficulties, please refer to their official documentations.

Windows 10

This section deals with the installation on Windows 10 using the native Microsoft Visual Studio development
environment, which is assumed to be already installed.
At this time, the community edition can be used for free as Code_TYMPAN is an open-source project.

IMPORTANT : At this time, Code_TYMPAN is compatible with MSVC 2019, so you must have this toolset installed and selected
on your Visual Studio environment.
This corresponds with CMake variable -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET=v142

Installation using MinGW / MSYS has not been attempted and is not supported for now.
(note that this toolchain is supported by CMake but that Boost is officially unsupported on MinGW / MSYS) !

NB : Since 4.2, Code_TYMPAN targets 64 bit CPU architecture.

To install the development environment for Windows, here are the various installers to download and execute.


Binary versions of Boost are available on SourceForge. For instance, you can download the 64 bits 1.77.0 Boost version for Visual Studio 2019 toolchain at Adapt version and toolchain to your needs. See Installing Boost for detailed instructions.

Qt 5

Download the installer for the Qt at Currently Qt 5.15.2 is used with msvc2019_64 toolchain.



See the Installing CGAL (no real binary installer available on Windows) :


Cython can be installed in python virtual environment. See Python environment installation for details.


Shapely can be installed in Python environment. See Python environment installation for details.


A prebuilt executable of SWIG can be downloaded at Download and unzip here C:\dists\swigwin-4.0.2, for example. Add this folder path to the environment variable PATH. Add the following environment variables :

set SWIG_DIR=C:\dists\swigwin-4.0.2
set SWIG_EXECUTABLE=C:\dists\swigwin-4.0.2\swig.exe
set PATH=C:\dists\swigwin-4.0.2;%PATH%

Python environment installation

Download and install Python 3.10.x for instance to C:\Python310.
Do not add anything to the PATH.

Launch a command window, adapt and execute following commands to create a 3.10.x python virtual environment :

cd \
cd dists/python
C:\Python310\python.exe -m venv venv310tympan

# Activate virtual environment

Installing Boost

Boost is a mandatory dependency of CGAL. Binary versions of Boost are available on SourceForge. The Boost installers install both Boost headers and precompiled libraries.

The procedure below applies for 1.77.0 version of Boost and Visual C++ 2019 :

  1. Download and run the file boost_1_77_0-msvc-XX.Y-64.exe (where XX.Y = 14.0 for VC 2015, XX.Y = 14.1 for VC 2017, XX.Y = 14.2 for VC 2019). Currently, we suggest to download this file

  2. Extract the files to a new directory, e.g. c:\Boost\boost_1_77_0.

  3. Set the following two environment variables to point respectively to the path of the libraries and the headers

    BOOST_LIBRARYDIR = C:\Boost\boost_1_77_0\lib64-msvc-14.2
    BOOST_INCLUDEDIR = C:\Boost\boost_1_77_0

This will help CMake to find Boost.

Installing CGAL

Installing CGAL is mandatory in order to build Code_TYMPAN.

CGAL depends upon some libraries amongst which Boost and Qt or build tool such as CMake which are supposed to have already been installed. It also depends on GMP and MPFR which are available here :

The following procedure is adapted from CGAL documentation named Installing from the Source Archive

  1. Download and extract sources to C:\dists\CGAL-5.5.1.

  2. Install GMP and MPFR libraries: go to CGAL directory (cd C:\dists\CGAL-5.5.1), dowload and extract

  3. Add environment variable CGAL_DIR with value C:\dists\CGAL-5.5.1

Building Code_TYMPAN

Prerequisite : Major dependencies must be installed.

First clone git repository to obtain the sources. In a Git Bash windows or a command windows with git accessible on the PATH :

cd \
mkdir projects
cd projects
git clone

Second, download and extract Lightweight dependencies.

Third, install python libraries

pip install -U pip
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
pip install -U -r requirements-dev.txt

Fourth, check and adapt environment variables which should be set as follow :

BOOST_INCLUDEDIR = C:\Boost\boost_1_77_0
BOOST_LIBRARYDIR = C:\Boost\boost_1_77_0\lib64-msvc-14.2
CGAL_DIR = C:\dists\CGAL-5.5.1
PATH = C:\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\bin;C:\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\plugins\platforms;C:\dists\swigwin-4.0.2;C:\Program Files\doxygen\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin;C:\Boost\boost_1_77_0\lib64-msvc-14.2;%PATH%
SWIG_DIR = C:\dists\swigwin-4.0.2
SWIG_EXECUTABLE = C:\dists\swigwin-4.0.2\swig.exe

You can then build Code_TYMPAN in Release or Debug mode using CMake.

Release Build

Create build and install repositories :

cd C:\projects
mkdir code_tympan_build
mkdir code_tympan_install

Build and install Code_TYMPAN using CMake :

cd code_tympan_build
# Activate python virtual environment
cmake ..\code_tympan -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET=v142 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\lib\cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..\code_tympan_install -DCGAL_DIR=%CGAL_DIR% -A x64 >> output_file.txt 2>&1
# System build output written in output.txt file
cmake --build . --config Release
cmake --build . --target install --config Release

Debug Build

Debug and release system builds must be separated. Create build and install repositories :

cd C:\projects
mkdir code_tympan_build_d
mkdir code_tympan_install_d

Build and install Code_TYMPAN using CMake :

cd code_tympan_build_d
# Activate python virtual environment
cmake ..\code_tympan -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET=v142 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\lib\cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..\code_tympan_install_d -DCGAL_DIR=%CGAL_DIR% -A x64 >> output_file.txt 2>&1
# System build output written in output.txt file
cmake --build . --config Debug
cmake --build . --target install --config Debug

Running Tests

cd code_tympan_build
# Activate python virtual environment
set TYMPAN_PYTHON_INTERP=C:\dists\python\venv310tympan\Scripts\python.exe
ctest -C Release --output-on-failure

Running Linters

cd code_tympan_build
# Activate python virtual environment
# run lint target
cmake --build . --target lint

Build Documentation

cd code_tympan_build
# Activate python virtual environment
# run doc target
cmake --build . --target doc

Working with Visual Studio

To work in Release mode, open Release mode Solution at C:\projects\code_tympan_build\Code_TYMPAN.sln,
To work in Debug mode, open Debug mode Solution at C:\projects\code_tympan_build_d\Code_TYMPAN.sln.

In Visual Studio, please check build mode (Debug / Release) is consistent with the solution build mode.


More about the CMake build system

If you want to add components or otherwise change the build system for Code_TYMPAN you might want to have a look at Build System Documentation first.

Ubuntu / Debian standard install

This section introduces the installation from the package manager of a Linux based distribution. It assumes a pretty recent version of the system on the date of writing, so that most packages are available from standard package repositories in a compatible version. Here we use Debian buster.

You will need to install packages first, then the Code_Tympan third party package. Build, install, running tests and documentation creation are described.

You will need to add sudo command before apt-get cause packages should be installed as administrator:

# Install needed packages:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y software-properties-common
sudo apt install -y cmake swig cython git
sudo apt install -y qt5-default libqt5opengl5 libqt5opengl5-dev
sudo apt install -y python3 python3-dev
sudo apt install doxygen
# Install CGAL
mkdir CGAL
cd CGAL-5.5.1
# Boost
cd ../../../
mkdir boost
cd boost
tar xf boost_1_70_0.tar.gz
# clone CodeTympan
cd ..
git clone
# virtual-env
cd code_tympan
python3 -m venv env-CodeTympan
. env-CodeTympan/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
pip install -U -r requirements-dev.txt
# Third party install
cd 3rdparty
wget -O
# build Code Tympan
cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../code_tympan_install -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.10m/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -DCGAL_DIR=../../CGAL/CGAL-5.5.1 -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=../../env-CodeTympan/bin/python -DBOOST_ROOT=../../boost/boost_1_70_0
make -j4
# tests
ctest -C Release --output-on-failure
# doc
make doc
# install
make install