
This section provides some introduction to using third-party tools or libraries on which Code_TYMPAN relies. Those dependencies are introduced, with installation instructions in the section Installation. In this section we give some entry-points regarding use of the tools and libraries.

We also explain some not so common C++ idoms used in some portion of the code.

Accessing the source-code

The source code of the Code_TYMPAN project is versionned using the Git Version Control System. On GNU/Linux the simplest way to install is through your distribution package manager (sudo apt-get install git). The software is also available on Windows and a good alternative is to use the Tortoise application which integrates well with the Explorer (also available on GNU/Linux). Git_Extensions and SourceTree are interesting software allowing navigation and visualization of the repository as well as the visualization of the corresponding trees.

The following named branches are currently used:


The default branch name in Git is master. As you start making commits, you’re given a master branch that points to the last commit you made.


Is the current branch used to keep in sync the feature branches. Indeed, it is critical to avoid any significant divergence regarding the build system for example. Moreover some changes (many bug fixes, documentation improvement) can be put in common without interfering.


is the branch for the production version x.x.x Last version : 4.2.1


This type of branch allows the developer to work on different issues. Each branch corresponds to an issue which can be a bug fix, a function addition, an optimization etc…

Once the developer has completed his development and validated, he delivers on the branch before creating a merge request which will be reviewed by a second person. Once this review is done, the branch can be merged into develop.

Example of operation:
  • Alice is working on issue 14 which corresponds to a bug reported by a user.

  • She places itself on the develop branch and does an update of it.

  • She creates the Issue_14 branch from develop and works on it locally.

  • Once satisfied with its development and this one having been validated by the TU and possibly manual tests. She decides to deliver her modifications and therefore the new branch.

  • Once the pipeline is validated, Alice creates a merge request corresponding to her issue and her branch and requests a review from TOM.

  • Tom does the code review and eventually retrieves the branch locally for testing (if necessary)

  • Tom can possibly provide feedback to Alice to improve the work. But once this is ok, Tom validates the merge request.

  • The Issue_14 branch can then be merged into develop and the corresponding issue can be closed (after demo to the rest of team)

Other existing branch :
  • hotfix_branch : used for hotfixes, mainly on new releases

  • fix_ci_appveyor : used for pipeline maintenance and contains modification for pipeline debug

Of course other feature branches can be added by need.


CMake is an open-source build system. It is used to control the software compilation process using a simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice. On GNU/Linux, CMake generates Makefiles and on Windows, it can generate Visual Studio solutions.

Using CMake

First, create a directory where you’ll put the building of Code_TYMPAN.

Command line


cmake path/to/Code_TYMPAN


ccmake path/to/Code_TYMPAN
cmake-gui path/to/Code_TYMPAN

to launch the ncurses or Qt graphical interfaces respectively. The command line is very helpful to get some info about a command, a variable, etc.:

# List of CMake commands
cmake --help-command-list
# List of CMake variables
cmake --help-variable-list
# Get doc for 'add_library' command
cmake --help-command add_library
# Get doc for 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE' variable
cmake --help-variable CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE


A CMake ‘command’ is like a function. Documentation about CMake commands gives you indication about their different arguments etc.


You can use either ccmake or cmake-gui. Note that ccmake is only available on GNU/Linux. On Windows, you should use cmake-gui (see the page Running CMake on Windows).


Getting help on CMake thanks to --help command lines as above. Moreover, there are other resources:

Add a library to the project

Suppose you create a new directory with C++ headers and compilation units. The best way is to create a CMakeLists.txt file in this current directory and write:

# The name of your new module (i.e. library)
set(MODULE_NAME new_tympan_module_name)
# Group all source files in a CMake list variable.
file(GLOB ${MODULE_NAME}_SRCS *.cpp *.h)
# Create the library as ('library_name' 'list of source files')
add_library(${MODULE_NAME} ${${MODULE_NAME}_SRCS})

You can further refer to your module with the variable MODULE_NAME.

You can also use (if needed):

# If your module depends on other Tympan modules (i.e. other Tympan libraries).
add_dependencies(${MODULE_NAME} tympan_common tympan_lib)

# If you have to link your library with one or a few libraries such as Boost,
# Qt or OpenGL.
target_link_libraries(${MODULE_NAME} ${QT_LIBRARIES})

# If you would like to add a specific directory to the include path. A
# 'include_dir' is missing when you have a compilation error such as 'header.h
# no such file or directory'.

Best Practices

  • Do not build a project in the source directory.

  • Do not add a manual path to look for a dependency library or to find a source file : instead edit the said path in the GUI (or code reliable auto-detection in case you are a seasoned CMakeLists’ developer).

  • CMake language is not case-sensitive for identifiers, but is for some optional arguments names within commands. VARIABLE_NAME or variable_name are the same variable but FILE(EXISTS ...) will be ok whereas FILE(exists ...) will not. Please try to follow the existed convention in reading some CmakeLists.txt.

  • Create a CMakeLists.txt file for each directory. Use add_subdirectory command to execute the CMake file in this directory.

  • How to clean the CMake cache: remove the CMakeCache.txt file.

  • Display the value of a variable — useful for debugging:

    message (STATUS "Your message: " ${VARIABLE})
  • ccmake . or cmake-gui . in the building directory to display and edit all CMake variables of the current building project.

  • cmake --build <building_dir> to launch compilation, whatever the environment. Very useful when you would like to compile on Windows without launching Visual Studio.


The C++ source code is annotated and API documentation can be extracted with Doxygen. The main documentation is generated from reStructuredText sources in the doc directory thanks to Sphinx.

Build the documentation

On Windows

  1. Go to the root source documentation directory and:

    make.bat html
  2. See the results in the _build/html/ directory and opening the file index.html with your favorite Web browser.

  1. Check the external links of the documentation with:

    make.bat linkcheck

On Linux

  1. Go to the root source documentation directory and:

    make html
  2. See the results in the _build/html/ directory and opening the file index.html with your favorite Web browser.

  1. Check the external links of the documentation with:

    make linkcheck


The tools used to display maths equations properly is MathJax, a JavaScript library which prettily renders equations written in LaTeX.

Useful directives

Take a look at the Sphinx and reStructuredText websites.

  • .. note:: write a note.

  • .. code-block:: c++ piece of code with the C++ syntax color.

  • :ref:`section_name` cross reference with a different location such as a section of an other file.

  • .. todo:: add a todo task

  • .. doxygenclass:: <class_name> show the Doxygen documentation of the class <class_name>.

  • .. doxygenfunction:: <function_name> show the Doxygen documentation of the class <function_name>.


    See other Doxygen directives in the official Doxygen website.

  • :math:`x^2 -2x +1=0` or .. math:: to write LaTeX equations.


    A Web connection is needed to be able to see nice equations.

Formatting and Linting

We use formatters to automatically ensure consistency across the code base and thus reduce the amount of stylistic choices the developers must make. Linters are used to detect easily discoverable code smells. The following tools should be used to ensure that a minimal level of quality is preserved. On Gitlab, new commits trigger a pipeline which runs all these tools and fails when any of them reports an error. When creating a Merge Request, make sure that all these checks pass.

Linting python files with Flake8

Flake8 is a python linter which both checks for pep8 compliance and find code smells. If it is not already installed you can install it using pip:

$ pip install flake8

Assuming that flake8 is in your PATH (which should be the case if you installed it in your active virtualenv), it can be run from command line:

$ flake8 <>
<>:2:1: F401 'this' imported but unused

Formatting python files with black

black is used to format python files. It can be installed using pip:

$ pip install black

When calling black with a file or directory, all the passed files are formatted:

$ black
All done!
1 file reformatted.

Linting cython files with cython-lint

cython-lint is a cython linter which both checks for pep8 compliance and find code smells. If it is not already installed you can install it using pip:: It is an equivalent to the flake8 library for cython files.

$ pip install cython-lint

Assuming that cython-lint is in your PATH (which should be the case if you installed it in your active virtualenv), it can be run from command line:

$ cython-lint --max-line-length 120 <some_cython_file.pyx> <some_cython_file.pxd
<some_cython_file.pyx>:2:1: F401 'this' imported but unused

Formatting C++ files with clang-format

For C++ source and header files, the formatting is done using clang-format. On Debian based linux distributions it can be installed with apt:

$ sudo apt install clang-format-15

On Windows clang-format is distributed as part of LLVM. You can download the installer here:

The current version to install is 15.0.6. When running installation, make sure that one of Add LLVM to the system PATH for all users and Add LLVM to the system PATH for current user is checked.

Once the installation is finished, Check that it is correctly installed by running clang-format --version. It should output something like clang-format version 15.0.6.


Some formatting rules need a version of clang-format greater than 11. On some linux distributions, the clang-format command is bound to an old version of clang-format (version 7 on debian buster). You have to ensure that your editor can find a version greater than or equal to 11 of clang-format.

You can easily check that the whole C++ code base is correctly formatted by running the script tools/

Experimenting clang-tidy

clang-tidy can be used to enforce coding rules like C++ core guidelines

It is included in the LLVM distribution installed before.

A first experimentation is done on Code_TYMPAN by implementing the rule cppcoreguidelines-init-variables.

The .clang-tidy configuration file is used at the root of the source tree.

In order to run clang-tidy, we must generate a compilation database following this guide :

To run clang-tidy, we can use cmder and run this command :

find ..\code_tympan\Tympan\core -iname "*.hpp" -o -iname "*.h" -o -iname "*.cpp" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 clang-tidy -p C:\projects\code_tympan_build_ninja_d\compile_commands.json --fix

Launch linters from cmake

You can launch all the linters with cmake:

$ cmake --build . --target lint

Integration with IDEs

Usage with Vim

In Vim, all these linters and formatters can be automatically used by installing ALE. Assuming you are using version 7 or greater of Vim, setup is made as follow (on linux or using git-bash):

$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/lint/start
$ git clone --depth 1 ~/.vim/pack/lint/start/ale

Lines with warnings should now be highlighted. The warnings are displayed at the bottom of the screen when the cursor is on these lines. black and clang-format can be activated by adding the following lines to your ~/.vimrc file:

let g:ale_fixers = {
\   'python': ['black'],
\   'cpp': ['clang-format'],
" Set this variable to 1 to fix files when you save them.
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1

Running clang-format on Visual Studio

clang-format is already available in Visual Studio. When opening the project, the clang configuration file should be automatically detected and Visual Studio should ask you if you want to enable clang-format support. If that’s not the case you can enable it by checking Tools->Options->Text Editor->C/C++->Formatting->General->Enable ClangFormat support.

For the moment being, Visual Studio Community 2019 integrates the version 12.0.0 of clang-format. You must specify the version of clang-format you wish to use (15.y.z) by selecting clang-format exe in Tools->Options->Text Editor->C/C++->Code Style->Formatting->General->Use custom clang-format exe file.

You should now be able to format your code using the Ctrl-K, Ctrl-D keyboard shortcut. Install the extension named Format on Save if you want to run clang-format on save.

Running flake8 in PyCharm

Flake8 is not natively supported by PyCharm. You can add it as an external tool. Open Settings (Ctrl-Alt-S) and go to Tools->External Tools. Then click the + button and fill in the form this way:


You can then run this external tool from Tools->linters->Flake8.

Running black in PyCharm

Black can be configured the same way as flake8 as an external tool:


The BlackConnect plugin uses a black server to avoid restarting a python interpreter each time the files are formatted. You can also configure it so that black run automatically when files are saved. You can install it from Settings->Plugins and configure it from Settings->Tools->BlackConnect. You will have to install blackd (pip install black[d]) and run blackd in order for this plugin to work.

C++ idioms

C++ is a very complex language, full of subtleties and pitfalls… but some good practices, nice (template) libraries and well identified idioms can improve development efficiency and code base maintainability.

In this section, we highlight some of such idioms and tools which are used (or to be used) in Code_TYMPAN. Anyhow we strongly recommend C++ developers to have a look at some the following books:

Practical and motivated idioms

Scott Meyers, Addison-Wesley, Effective C++ and Effective STL

Complete introduction of the language

Bjarne Stroustrup, Addison-Wesley, C++, the language

Some powerful techniques are exposed to the developer through relatively simple interfaces by Boost or the STL, such as the standard smart pointers or the ranges concept and the foreach loops for example.


Further resources

Here are some useful inline resources regarding C++

Smart Pointers

A very good, nice and accessible, introduction to smart pointers and modern C++ memory management.

Official documentation for Boost smart pointers, among which shared_ptr and weak_ptr have been included in the TR1 and C++’11.


Before C++’11 the language lacked a foreach loop construct to iterate other data structure in a convenient and readable way. Boost tries to workaround this limitation with the BOOST_FOREACH macro (which is some kind of black magic we should get rid of as soon as C++’11 is widespread and fully supported).

For example, say c is some standard STL container of type C<T> (i.e. with a begin() and end() method providing iterators to elements of type T) then you can write:

    // do something with the element e

instead of the usual and horribly verbose when C and/or T are complex:

for( C<T>::iterator it = c.begin() ;
     it != c.end() ; ++it )
    T& e = *it;
    // do something with the element e

Official documentation for Boost foreach loops.

The range concept

To be right to BOOST_FOREACH, this construct is far more powerful than just iterating in a simple way through a container. It relies on the Range concept.

The Range concept is a generalisation of the input sequences introduced by Stroustrup in C++, the language 18.3.1 : basically a range is something that can be seen as a pair of begin/end iterators.

The whole point of ranges resides in the fact that they do not have to be STL container, or any data-structure, they can pretty-well represent a simple counter as well as an on-fly processing over an other range ! For example :

/* ... */
struct double_int
    typedef int result_type;
    int operator()(int x) const { return x * 2; }

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    std::vector<int> input; // An STL container is a range
    /* Fill `input` with 1, 2, 3, ... */

    BOOST_FOREACH( int i, input | transformed(double_int()) )
        cout << i << ", "; // Will display 2, 4, 6, ...

    return 0;

Official documentation for Boost range concept which goes along so well with foreach loops.

Beware : Ranges are a very powerful but quite advanced - and thus pitfall prone - C++ technique. Please resort to it only if you know what you are doing, otherwise just transforming the data by-hand and storing the result in some container is likely to be a far easier and cleaner way…